Comparison shop for gable attic exhaust fan Fans in Appliances. Solar Attic Fans - Besides being eco-friendly, solar powered attic fans take their energy from the sun so theres no need for wiring. Includes: how attic exhaust fans work, whole house fans vs. attic fans, tips to maximize your attic fan, and where to buy attic exhaust fans. This site is all about using attic exhaust fans to cool your house, as opposed to air conditioning. A whole-house fan is a type of fan, or exhaust system commonly venting into a buildings attic, designed to pull hot air out of the building. Shop for attic gable exhaust fans at Walmart. Attic exhaust fans are absolutely crucial to keeping a healthy home. Electric Exhaust Fans Window exhaust fans circulate fresh air within a room and push stale air outside. The attic, which is the part of the house that is directly under the roof, needs to be well ventilated with attic exhaust fans. Bjorn asks, I have a new house with a metal roof and without a ridge vent.